Term: elected position, 1 year or until successor (Vice President) takes office; succeeds to Board position as Past President at end of term. Voting privileges. Must be a member of ACRL national.
Duties – General:
- Chair both Board and Annual Business Meetings.
- Oversee the planning and implementation of two educational programs.
- Determine the need for ad hoc committees, and appoint committee members as needed.
- Represent the Chapter at meetings of other groups when necessary.
- Ensure that the Chapter’s purpose is met and that its activities are accomplished.
- Appoint non-voting Board members as per Bylaws (e.g. Web master, Archivist, etc.).
- Appoint Committee on Bylaws as needed.
- Appoint members to the Nominating Committee as per Bylaws.
- Forward mail from P.O. Box to Treasurer.
- Contribute to the Chapter’s newsletter.
- Submit annual report to National ACRL
- Report statistics to National ACRL.
- Serve as 1st of 2 Chapter representatives (Chapters Councilor) to National ACRL Chapters Council, when Board does not include a separate position for this role.
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Duties – Board Meetings:
- Establish meeting dates/times at the beginning of term.
- The Board meets at least four times a year. These meetings are scheduled for two hour blocks of time.
- There is one Annual Business Meeting that is held during the spring program.
- Establish locations for the meetings.
- Board meetings are scheduled to meet in a reasonable location enabling all board members to attend.
- Set Agendas:
- Solicit items for the agenda a month in advance of the meeting.
- Send agendas at least two weeks prior to a meeting.
- Content of agendas may include:
- Announcements
- Approval of minutes
- Treasurer’s report
- Program planning
- Membership
- Updates (e.g. newsletter, Legislative work, nominations, etc.)
Courtney Dalton
Kirby Librarian
Lafayette College
(Term expires June 2026)
Vice President:
Term: elected position, 1 year or until successor elected; succeeds to Board position as President at end of President’s term. Voting privileges. Must be a member of ACRL national.
- Assist President with the business of the Chapter, including chairing meetings in the President’s absence.
- Maintain and further the Chapter’s Mentoring Program. Announce the program via e-mail (to the membership plus regional and distance education library programs), establish mentoring relationships between professionals and students, and report on the Mentoring Program at the Annual Business Meeting.
- Conduct the annual Stipend Award recipient search process during the spring. Announce the stipend via e-mail (to the membership plus regional and distance education library programs), manage the application review and recipient selection process, and report the Stipend winner at the Annual Business Meeting.
- Contribute to the planning and implementation of the Chapter’s two educational programs in a given year.
- Contribute to the Chapter’s blog.
- Serve as 2nd of 2 Chapter representatives (Chapters Councilor) to National ACRL Chapters Council, when Board does not include a separate position for this role.
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible.
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Past President:
Term: elected position, 1 year, commencing at conclusion of term as President. Voting privileges.
- Usually manages the board member election process, in coordination with the Nominating Committee appointed by the President
- During the fall, identify candidates for openings on the Board. Issue request for nominees in the fall.
- Prepare dual-slate ballot to be distributed in the spring.
- Collect from each candidate a brief biographical statement on their past professional activities (current and past positions, association involvement, etc.), and a vision statement for the Chapter’s future.
- Issue reminder to vote in the spring.
- Present nomination slate, nominee biographies and vision statements to the Secretary who will create the ballots and mail them (plus the bios and statements) to the membership.
- The Secretary will receive and count the completed ballots, and notify the Board.
- Announce election results at the Annual Business Meeting during the spring program.
- Advise Board on past practices
- Contribute to the planning and implementation of the Chapter’s two educational programs in a given year.
- Collaborate with Treasurer to complete non-profit status application
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible.
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Nick Cunningham
Program Manager
(Term expires June 2026)
Term: elected position, 2 years or until successor elected. Voting privileges.
- Create list of board members and contact information for the archives.
- Take notes at meetings and write minutes. Distribute minutes by email within one week. Take copies of minutes to subsequent Board meeting.
- Take notes at the Annual Business Meeting and prepare minutes for membership approval at the following year’s Annual Business Meeting.
- Deposit all agendas and minutes with the archives.
- Elections:
- Receive nominations slate, nominee biographies and vision statement from the Nominating Committee, not less than 3 months before the commencement of terms of office.
- Receive “write-in” nominations for elections.
- Publish nominations slate 2 weeks after receipt from Nominating Committee.
- Request mailing labels from the Treasurer.
- Determine maximum printing amount based on membership plus one copy for the Archive.
- Create and mail ballot, and biography/vision document, to the membership.
- Mail one ballot to the Archivist.
- Receive and count completed ballots.
- Notify Board of election results.
- Deliver completed ballots to the Archivist.
- Submit printing and postage receipts to the Treasurer.
- Contribute to the planning and implementation of the Chapter’s two educational programs in a given year.
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Theresa Hessey
Morris Library
University of Delaware
(Term expires June 2025)
Term: elected position, 2 years, or until successor elected. Voting privileges.
Duties – General:
- Maintain balance for checking account.
- Maintain a spreadsheet for payments and income.
- Prepare “Financial Activity Report” for Board meetings, and for Annual Business Meeting.
- Reconcile bank statements.
- Prepare budgets as requested.
- Prepare balance sheets for fall and spring programs.
- Maintain all financial records for appropriate retention periods (seven years)
- Collaborate with Past President to complete non-profit status application
- Forward all documentation and records to new treasurer.
- Create nametags for fall and spring meeting attendees as registration funds are received.
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible.
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Duties – Income:
- Receive funds for members’ dues, for chapter programs and other miscellaneous income.
- With assistance from the President, obtain annual ACRL reimbursement funds.
- Deposit funds to ACRL/DVC checking account (in 2021, at TD Bank).
- Upon request, issue receipts for funds collected.
Duties – Payments:
- Issue check payments for receipted costs.
Duties – Membership:
- Maintain database of current members.
- Create and maintain email contact lists.
- Distribute email announcements to members and other contacts as appropriate.
Karen Sheldon
Electronic and Instructional Services Librarian
Krauskopf Memorial Library
Delaware Valley University
(Term expires June 2025)
Directors at Large:
Term: elected position, 3 years, with one Director’s term ending and a new Director being elected each year. Voting privileges.
- Write items for the blog (pre-program PR, post-program reports, etc.).
- Assist with the general work of the Board – updating bylaws, selecting student stipend recipient, website review, etc.
- Contribute to the planning and implementation of the Chapter’s two educational programs in a given year.
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible.
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Melissa Correll
Student Success Librarian
Landman Library
Arcadia University
(Term expires June 2025)
Brendan Johnson
Outreach and Engagement Librarian
Woodland Library
Penn State Abington
(Term expires June 2025)
Chapters Council Representative:
Term: appointed position, 1 year, with continuous reappointment at discretion of Chapter President. No voting privileges. Must be a member of ACRL national.
- Attend ACRL National Chapters Council Meetings at ALA Annual and Midwinter Conferences, and report back to the Board plus the membership via the Chapter’s newsletter.
- Write about the Chapter for ACRL’s semi-annual national newsletter for chapters “Chapter Topics.”
- Contribute to the planning and implementation of the Chapter’s two educational programs in a given year.
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible.
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Term: appointed position, 1 year, with continuous reappointment at discretion of Chapter President. No voting privileges.
- Fulfill Archive Guidelines.
- Solicit documents to maintain archives, reminding board members frequently and especially as officers leave their positions.
- Keep alert to tasks on hand and solicit documentation (ballots, newsletters, program information).
- Print website in July and February yearly to archive.
- Respond to requests of board promptly.
- Maintain Archive inventory. Be alert to needs to add categories as times change.
- Consider how to promote archives within the board so its value is experienced.
- Encourage everyone to date all work.
- Contribute to the planning and implementation of the Chapter’s two educational programs in a given year.
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible.
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Russell Michalak
Director of Library, Archives, and the Learning Center
Hirons Library and Learning Center
Goldey-Beacom College
(Term expires June 2025)
Blog Editor:
Term: appointed position, 1 year, with continuous reappointment at discretion of Chapter President. No voting privileges.
- Ensure periodic publication of news using the Chapter blog.
- At first Board meeting of the year, solicit input and authors from Board for regular features.
- Contact designated authors to review writing assignments and deadlines.
- Using Chapter listerv, solicit entries about members in the news to post as available.
- Edit and publish any additional posts approved by the Board.
- Enusre all published content or a PDF or linked content is contained within the blog file management section for archival purposes.
- Contribute to the planning and implementation of the Chapter’s two educational programs in a given year.
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible. ·
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Brendan Johnson
Outreach and Engagement Librarian
Woodland Library
Penn State Abington
(Term expires June 2025)
Term: appointed position, 1 year, with continuous reappointment at discretion of Chapter President. No voting privileges.
- Responsible for overall maintenance, review and updating of the Chapter’s web site. Content includes, but is not limited to:
- President’s welcome message.
- Link to ACRL’s web site.
- Constitution and Bylaws.
- Roster of Board members.
- Board position descriptions.
- Mentoring Program description.
- Annual Stipend Award description.
- National Library Legislative Day information.
- Program descriptions and registration forms (last 5 years).
- Newsletters (last 5 years).
- Photographs from programs, NLLD, etc. (last 5 years).
- Links to related professional resources.
- Membership form. ·
- Verify links on each page semi-annually, e.g. in June and January. ·
- Encourage board members to submit relevant material or make suggestions. ·
- Respond to requests of board members for changes to website. ·
- Contribute to the planning and implementation of the Chapter’s two educational programs in a given year.
- Attend as many ACRL/DVC board meetings and programs as possible. ·
- Perform other duties as necessary.
Last updated: January 2025