Fall Program
Latest Past Events
ACRL DVC Chapter Meeting
This Fall, ACRL DVC is taking a breather, too. We are exhausted and from talking to many of you, we know you are too. Instead of hosting our usual Fall Program, we will be holding a brief Chapter Meeting on Friday, Nov. 12th. The meeting will be followed by time for intentional rest where we
Working out Loud: Critical Reflection on the Next Normal
Please join us on Friday October 16, 2020 “Working out Loud: Critical Reflections on the Next Normal”. The day will start with a keynote by Fobazi Ettarh and Eamon Tewell followed by a series of discussions based on pre recorded presentations on how library workers have reflected on, revised, and reimagined, and continue to reimagine,
Beyond Diversity Speak: Practicing Cultural Humility in your Library
Cedar Crest College Tompkins College Center, Administration Circle, Cedar Crest College, AllentownThis year’s program will be focused on incorporating cultural humility into equity, diversity, and inclusion professional development in academic libraries. Sara Ahmed (2012) describes diversity initiatives as frequently being “happy talk” that institutions write into their strategic plans and mission statements to manage their image but then do not integrate into everyday practice. While some