The Power of Partnerships: Building Institutional and Community Alliances to Transform Research & Learning
Hoffman House at Muhlenberg College 325 N 23rd Street, Allentown, PA, United States10:00-10:30 Registration 10:30-11:30 Keynote Presentation: Partners, Partners, and More Partners Cheryl A. Middleton, 2017-18 ACRL President, Associate University Librarian for Research and Scholarly Communication, Oregon State University Academic libraries seek out, create, nurture and foster partnerships at many levels, ranging from individual and institutional to national and global. What do these partnerships look like and what are some …
Librarians as Advocates: Leading Activism on Your Campus and Beyond
Drexel University Learning Terrace 3300 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States9:30-10:00 Registration and networking 10:00--11:30 Panel Discussion Moderator: Justin Hill, Department Head, Access and Media Services, Temple University Libraries Yvette Davis, Director of Outreach and Organizational Development, POWER Interfaith Alex Gil, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Humanities and History Division, Columbia University Libraries Titus Moolathara, Branch Manager, Free Library of Philadelphia Emily Wagner, Assistant Director, Knowledge Management &  Communications, Amaerican Library …
ACRL DVC Winter Social
Drexel University Academic Bistro 101 N 33rd St 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesSLA Philadelphia invites librarians and information professionals from the Philadelphia & Delaware Valley region to join them in welcoming the holiday season! Enjoy the amazing food of Drexel University’s Academic Bistro, connect with colleagues new and old, decorate cookies, bid on a variety of silent auction items. $40 for members of ACRL–DVC, SLA, MLA, GPLLA. $20 …
Scholarly Communication: From Understanding to Engagement
Penn State Great Valley Campus 30 East Swedesford Road, Malvern, PA, United StatesAcademic and research librarians increasingly recognize scholarly communication as a core competency of the profession. Whether helping researchers meet their funder's mandates for public access and data sharing, guiding responsible copyright practice, or supporting new types of scholarship and instruction, librarians are leading change across campus and around the world. The goal of the structured, …
Chapter Event: free film screening of The Public!
Artquest Center at the Steel Stacks 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem, PA, United StatesJoin us for a pre-screening social networking event at 5:00pm at Bonn Place Brewery in the Southside Bethlehem — even if you are unable to attend the screening!
Beyond Diversity Speak: Practicing Cultural Humility in your Library
Cedar Crest College Tompkins College Center, Administration Circle, Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA, United StatesThis year’s program will be focused on incorporating cultural humility into equity, diversity, and inclusion professional development in academic libraries. Sara Ahmed (2012) describes diversity initiatives as frequently being “happy talk” that institutions write into their strategic plans and mission statements to manage their image but then do not integrate into everyday practice. While some …
Working Out Loud: Reflections, Revisions, & Recipes
Charles Library at Temple University 1900 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesDue to the rapidly developing COVID-19 situation, we have decided to postpone the 2020 DVC Spring Program until Fall 2020. We will post the date once it is set. There has been a lot of positive buzz about the Temple program and we look forward to seeing you all there in the fall. Â Existing …
Convening Librarians: Creating community and supporting students during COVID-19
Although our 2020 Spring Program at Temple University’s new Charles Library has been postponed until September 25th, the Delaware Valley Chapter of ACRL is planning an online professional development meet-up on April 3, from 10:00am - 12pm to address how to best support one another and our students during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Plans are …
Working out Loud: Critical Reflection on the Next Normal
Please join us on Friday October 16, 2020 “Working out Loud: Critical Reflections on the Next Normal”. The day will start with a keynote by Fobazi Ettarh and Eamon Tewell followed by a series of discussions based on pre recorded presentations on how library workers have reflected on, revised, and reimagined, and continue to reimagine, …
Critical Connections, Emergent Organizing: Black Library Workers in Community
Led by Andrea Lemoins, who helmed the organization of the Concerned Black Workers of the Free Library of Philadelphia, this workshop will focus on community-building for Black LIS students and academic library workers using organizing principles from adrienne maree brown’s Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds. Register here. Registration for this event is free, though please consider ACRL …