Latest Past Events

CritLib: Theory and Action

Inn at Swarthmore College 10 S Chester Road, Swarthmore

CritLib, or critical librarianship, is a movement to bring social justice principles into our work in libraries. CritLib aims to engage participants in discussion about critical perspectives on library practice. At this workshop we will explore the CritLib movement, investigate our own assumptions and their effect on  our work and our patrons, and learn from


The Open Alternative: Open Access, Open Textbooks, Open Journals

Bucks County Community College 275 Swamp Road, Newtown

Join us to hear perspectives from across the OER (Open Educational Resources) landscape. Colleagues involved in both nascent and ongoing initiatives will share their experiences, and we will learn about lobbying efforts to encourage the development of OER.   Program: 9:30-10am: Registration and refreshments 10-11am: Bill Hemmig, Dean, Learning Resources and Online Learning, Bucks County Community College Stacey


Building the Future

Warner Memorial Library at Eastern University 1300 Eagle Road, St. Davids

Shifting from the old-fashioned repository to a user-centric, “third place” community center, libraries are developing as both place and space. Meeting and reflecting the changing needs of today’s students, faculty and staff is a constant challenge. Developing a building framework that anticipates, to the degree possible, future needs is also a priority. For some libraries
