Attendees: Sarah, Mary, Leslie, Jasmine, Stefani, Meaghan, Adam, Jess, Karen, Jessica, Elise (Missing: Sarah, Jasmine, Jessica B.)
- To get started, Board members briefly shared something they are currently working on.
- August Board Meeting Minutes approved. Mary will post to the blog. (Posted September 18)
- Financial Report
- Fall Program checks to Cedar Crest College and speaker Lorin Jackson have not yet cleared
- Sent check to ArtQuest for the use of their space for Chapter event
- ACRL (National) $50 reimbursement for fall programming received
- Jess will set up a conference call with Jasmine and Stefani to discuss options for spending our budget
- Fall Conference
- Title: Beyond Diversity Speak: Practicing Cultural humility in your library
- Registration is ready to go out and blog post is ready to post
- CFP went out and are due 9/23
- Registration form is complete and will be sent out on Friday (sent September 20)
- Catering still needs to be worked out, but will be under $2000. Stefani confirmed there will be veggie/vegan options.
- Stefani plans to meet with speaker Lorin Jackson
- The deadline for morning program proposals is next Monday, September 23 and we’re still waiting for more.
- We need to plan morning activity
- Jess had an idea and might submit a proposal
- If anyone has ideas for speakers, please let Stefani know.
- Title: Beyond Diversity Speak: Practicing Cultural humility in your library
- Spring conference
- Scheduled for April 3 at the new Charles Library at Temple University, with organizational help from Olivia Costello
- Temple is not charging us for use of the space, which seats 80 people
- Olivia suggested we provide lunch options for attendees instead of catering since catering at the new Library has not worked well to date. (Chapter would still provide coffee and snacks as usual.)
- Sarah suggested we should provide a list of potential lunch spaces (including food trucks.)
- We’d need to provide information about truck locations or perhaps a map with all lunch options on it
- We’d need to remind people to bring cash
- We could consider lowering the registration fee since lunch would not be provided
- The board wanted more time to consider this. Stefani agreed to follow up again about the possibility of catering. Perhaps once the dust has settled at the Charles, catering will be possible.
- The Public artsquest movie event
- September 29 at 7pm
- Pre-event at Bonn Place Brewing Company at 5:00pm
- Talk back after – Jasmine and Ben Bertalan from Allentown Public Library
- The question of asking for donations was discussed, but we decided not to.
- Marketing plans
- Mary has created a blog post and will send another notice
- Posts are shared on our chapter Twitter account. Board members are asked to like, retweet and share widely
- Jasmine has shared with some public libraries
- Stefani will investigate contacting school libraries
- Do another push via the blog and listserv
- Social Committee Update
- Elise has begun a list of places to have a happy hour at the fall programming in the city. So far the list includes:
- Prohibition Taproom
- Iron Hill in Center City
- City Taphouse (CC, University City)
- The Post (close to 30th st. station)
- Craft Hall
- Timing
- Better on weekends for families
- Will add to this question to the questionnaire
- Elise has begun a list of places to have a happy hour at the fall programming in the city. So far the list includes:
- Blog update
- Mary has posted: an intro post, minutes, event announcements
- Ideas for other blog posts:
- Introductions for board members (Stefani posted recently)
- We should look into blog analytics. Does it get any traffic?
- Board members should retweet and like posts, engage more in chapter social media
- OER Community of Practice
- Jasmine and Jessica are interested in doing something, not re-creating the wheel, but creating a list of resources
- Web Update
- Our domain expired on August 31, so our website went down briefly
- Domain is now paid through 2021, host is paid through 2023
- We’ll communicate about future notices and file them in the drive making sure to go over renewal procedures when board membership changes.
- Mentoring & Stipend
- Call for stipend should go out asap (blog posted September 26)
- Need to send a closure email to last year’s participants
- Legislative Day: Each year the Pennsylvania Library Association sends a delegation of librarians to Washington DC for National Library Legislative Day. The purpose is advocacy for libraries.
- Shall we write a call? Recruit people to go? Could it be a group trip?
- Date is in March, 2020. We’ll discuss more in the future
- Archive update: No updates, but there’s stuff to upload. Leslie will upload soon
Purpose/ Intention – What is our purpose for the next year?
Question Prompt: What would it look for us to do our best work?