Attendees: Jasmine, Mary, Brendan, Elise, Adam, Maisha, Meaghan, Melissa
Google nonprofit account status: Jasmine will do more research into the features and report back in August
Archivist update:
Greg met with former archivist Leslie to discuss the transition. He now has access to the chapter Google Drive for 2017/18, 2019/20 and this current year and so is able to answer any questions about these time periods.
Leslie will transfer the print archive to Greg once offices reopen.
Greg would like to archive chapter programs. He raised the following questions which the board answered as follows:
- Archive program recordings for accessibility using captioning
- Make the recordings available publicly for a set period of time (for example 2-3 years) and then revisit.
- Archive videos, slices, program overviews, etc. permanently
- It’s confusing to know where things live – perhaps Google nonprofit account could be helpful with this. We may consider creating a directory
DVC Google folders: remaining access issues to be addressed
Financial Report
- Membership renewals – 55 so far – about half of what we normally expect
- Another reminder will go out this week
- Total assets are at $3,800
Committee Updates:
Budget Committee:
- Maisha, Jasmine, and Adam met recently. Adam shared a spreadsheet of ongoing infrastructure expenses (e.g. domain name, PO Box, Wild Apricot)
- Current memberships should have this cost covered. If we want to do anything extra (travel/student stipends), we would need to get more funding (grant and event registrations)
- We report our membership numbers to ACRL, and they provide funding based on membership. Current numbers are a little over 100, so that’s been around $800
- The PA Library Association has a grant that we have been applying for regularly to help us pay for expenses
- Discussed a formal budget and a formal request process that can be charged to each of our committees (e.g. social committee gets some petty cash to pay for its activities, new community outreach committee could make a request for funding)
- Budget committee would like the requests to be in writing and will put out guidelines on how to do this
- The committee will share a more robust budget after going through this process
- The committee discussed virtual meetings and suggests making them free, promoting the value of membership
- Discussed how best to frame this recognizing the financial constraints that many people are facing The chapter wants to be accessible and welcoming. Where do we draw the line for attendance?
- Cost is low yet may still be too much for some.
- Don’t want to tie membership with attendance of programs.
- Current priority is to broaden membership by staying active right now and having the right tone
- Discussed how best to frame this recognizing the financial constraints that many people are facing The chapter wants to be accessible and welcoming. Where do we draw the line for attendance?
Programming Committee:
Yearly programs
Rather than having a theme, having a set of guiding questions that we return to through every event
- Want to be responsive to what’s happening the world but still be intentional thinking about growth (individual and organizational growth)
- What is 2020? Rapid change, Covid-19, virtual work, the next normal, social change. We need a space for critical reflection.
- Potential small events: Change the Subject screening/discussion/talk; reading/video discussion; local issues focus
Fall event
Tentative *new* date: Friday,October 16th (pushed this a bit because adjusting in the early fall)
- Theme will be along the lines of “Working out loud: The New Normal”
- Keeping elements of the spring program but rolling in all the rapid changes
- The Next Normal?
- Need to talk about how to hold this virtual event
- Send suggestions based on our own experiences based on virtual conferences we’ve experienced so far
- Programming committee will be reshaping the call but also reach out to spring presenters to see if they’re still interested in presenting
- New call will then go out
Social Committee: no new updates
Community Liaison:
Community Liaison and Community Liaison Committee descriptions ready for review and to post to website
- Reviewing the responsibilities and will be making a call for folks who might want to get involved
- Keeping contacts updated
- Updating the board about LIS programs and events
- Seeking collaborations
- Sharing info about events
- Program planning committee
Jess attended the ACRL Chapter Council meeting – will be submitting our Black Lives Matter statement to Chapter Council newsletter for publication in summer edition
Adam and Jess have begun exploring what institutions within our community have diversity resident/liaison librarians. Here is the spreadsheet with our findings so far for your review (and collaboration!)Adam is still working on the spreadsheet and adding residents as he finds them
Communications Committee:
- Beefing up the blog by introducing members on the board, starting with Jasmine and using a standard set of questions.
- We’ll post one per month for now
- Could eventually consider interviews with ACRL/DVC community members
- Website Contact Information is still incorrect
- Meaghan >> University of Rochester
- Meaghan >> University of Rochester
- Discussed better way to email board members, perhaps through Wild Apricot, but for now, Maisha will create a spreadsheet
- Next meeting: August 6, 2020 @ 11:00am via zoom