September 10, 2020
Via Zoom
Attendees: Jasmine, Meaghan, Melissa, Adam, Maisha, Brendan, Gregory, Karen, Jess
Checking in:
Some folks have returned to campus. We’re all grappling with the challenges of teaching online.
Corrected and updated contact information
Google account updates – there will be dedicated email addresses for Chapter President, Program Planning, Mentor Program and the Webmaster. The email for the entire board is
Regular board meetings to be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00am
Financial report: Our balance is just under $4000
There hasn’t been much financial activity, although we have a bit more money than last month due to additional membership dues paid.
We’ve pursued applying for a PaLa grant, which could be in place in time to support an event in December.
We want to continue to provide honorariums for event leadership speakers and our annual stipend award to a new librarian.
While membership dues continue to provide a financial foundation, we want to seek other funding opportunities as well.
Program and Planning Committee
Guiding questions for the year:
How do systemic oppression, and racism more specifically, shape library and archives work?
What factors shape our professional values and beliefs for better and for worse?
How can our work serve as a vehicle for social change?
What are some actions we can take as individuals and as a collective, to disrupt anti-Black racism and the construction of invisible Whiteness?
Event October 16th: Eamon Tewell and another co-speaker TBD. The recordings will be available ahead of time. The event may be moderated depending on how many people participate.
November event – Event for Black LIS workers facilitated by Andrea Lemoins. Andrea is a Community Organizer with FLP and is an expert in library organizing. We’ll advertise this event broadly and explore collaboration with other BIPOC organizations
December 4th – Change the Subject film documentary about LOC subject headings. This event would not be a screening (the film is available online at no cost) but a discussion. The format is yet to be determined, but a panel in which folks would talk about the film from different perspectives is under consideration.
Spring Event ideas:
Language: Labels that we use and wanting to be comfortable with the language that we use
A panel on the history of health & medicine
The Board discussed the idea of inviting our community to suggest programming. We can empower other people to develop programs, and we can help get the word out.
Community Liaisons: Joined by Christina Steffy. The group has a meeting scheduled for the week of the 22nd. They have a list of academic libraries and residency programs and positions in the area. The list could also include former residents and potential mentors.
Communications: Meet the Board interviews continue. Karen Sheldon will be next. When the interview is posted, Mary will email the Board and we could send out an update to the listserv to promote it.
Social committee: Should the committee work on an event to compliment Chapter events in October and November, or is that too many events? The Board liked the idea of having something to accompany the fall program such a lunch or a happy hour. The Committee could also create an informal event for parents in order for them to connect with one another to share ideas and solutions.
Website updates:
Create volunteer opportunity pages
Committee pages need updating – not all of the information needs to be public facing, but should include a description of what committee does, committee membership, and contact information.
Remove Resume Review Committee as it no longer exists, but we could offer to give feedback on resumes by providing a Google folder to receive them, where people who have agreed to review them could take a look and respond. We could consider collapsing this service with the Mentor Program.
Past events page: Karen can look into the past events list and adding more recent events that aren’t there for some reason / changing formatting to show recent events automatically. We could move past events to the archive
Create a donation page: this may not be possible since currently our only infrastructure for this is Wild Apricot and donors need to be members in order to log in and donate. We may explore alternatives.
Bylaws and constitution will be left as is
Directory page: start a campaign to update your profile and provide instructions. Identify yourself as available for being a mentor. Adam will explore whether other fields could be incorporated.
Mission statement update: Jess did some research and shared it with Jasmine. They’ll work on a draft.
Jasmine will create a spreadsheet for things to update on the website